ComputationStatistics |
The ComputationStatistics class : This is the class to implement the computation statistics of a myvelib system or network
InitialSetup |
The InitialSetup class : This is the class to implement the initial setup when creating a new myvelib system or network
InitialSetupTest |
PlanningRide |
The PlanningRide class : This is the class to implement the planning simulations from the planning package when creating a new journey ride for a user
RentalBicycle |
The RentalBicycle class : This class is responsible to implement and test the basic packages that implement the renting system
RentalBicycleTest |
SetupApp |
The SetupApp class from core.setup: This is the class to implement the setup methodology when creating a new myvelib system or network.
VisualizationStatistics |
The VisualizationStatistics class : It is responsible to test and implement the visualization part of the project