Class UserApp

  • public class UserApp
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Main class in statistics.balance.user : This class has all the algorithms and methods that we need to calculate the statistics in the application for users, that is to say, standard users or managers.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int getNumberOfRides​(User user)
      Getter for the number of rides (or rentings).
      static double getTimeCreditEarned​(User user)
      Getter for the time credit earned by a user.
      static double getTimeSpentOnBicycle​(User user, Bicycle bicycle)
      Getter for the time spend on bicycle type (Electrical, Mechanical, or other future types due to the Design Patterns used)
      static double getTimeSpentOnElectricalBicycle​(User user)
      This method is used to get the time spent on electrical bicycles.
      static double getTimeSpentOnMechanicalBicycle​(User user)
      This method is used to get the time spent on mechanical bicycles.
      static void userBalance​(MyVelibSystem system)
      This method is used to get the informations of users and compute relevant parameters for the users in a give system parameter 1 : average user balance parameter 2 : average of all charged money parameter 3 : user who paid the most in the system
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserApp

        public UserApp()
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfRides

        public static int getNumberOfRides​(User user)
        Getter for the number of rides (or rentings). If the user is still with a bicycle, it will show here a message.
        user - The user that is being studied
        an integer that represents the number of rides (or rentings)
      • getTimeSpentOnBicycle

        public static double getTimeSpentOnBicycle​(User user,
                                                   Bicycle bicycle)
        Getter for the time spend on bicycle type (Electrical, Mechanical, or other future types due to the Design Patterns used)
        user - the user
        bicycle - an instance of the bicycle type that we need
        a double that represents the time spent [in minutes]
      • getTimeCreditEarned

        public static double getTimeCreditEarned​(User user)
        Getter for the time credit earned by a user. It calls the getter in the user class
        user - The used that is being studied
        The time credit earned by the user in the current time of the application
      • getTimeSpentOnElectricalBicycle

        public static double getTimeSpentOnElectricalBicycle​(User user)
        This method is used to get the time spent on electrical bicycles.
        user - the user that is being studied
        the time spent on electrical bicycle
      • getTimeSpentOnMechanicalBicycle

        public static double getTimeSpentOnMechanicalBicycle​(User user)
        This method is used to get the time spent on mechanical bicycles.
        user - the user that is being studied
        the time spent on mechanical bicycle
      • userBalance

        public static void userBalance​(MyVelibSystem system)
        This method is used to get the informations of users and compute relevant parameters for the users in a give system parameter 1 : average user balance parameter 2 : average of all charged money parameter 3 : user who paid the most in the system
        system - the system that will be studied