Class Manager

  • public class Manager
    extends User
    The Manager class: This class implements the manager object it will have access to all information on all systems in the core/CLI applications
    • Constructor Detail

      • Manager

        public Manager​(java.lang.String name,
                       java.awt.Point coordinate,
                       int creditCardNumber,
                       double money)
        The Manager constructor: It defines how we can instantiate the Manager class
        name - The name of the manager
        coordinate - The coordinate that the manager will be inserted
        creditCardNumber - The credit card number of the manager
        money - The amount of money that the manager will have in the beginning of the application
    • Method Detail

      • seeMyStatus

        public java.lang.String seeMyStatus()
        This is the method that allows the manager to see his current status (toString method)
        seeMyStatus in class User
        the manager toString
      • seeCurrentStatus

        public java.lang.String seeCurrentStatus​(MyVelibSystem system,
                                                 int userID)
        This is the method that allows the manager to see the current status of a giver user in a given system
        seeCurrentStatus in class User
        system - The MyVelibSystem that the user is in
        userID - The user id
        A string to see the current status
      • seeCurrentStationState

        public java.lang.String seeCurrentStationState​(MyVelibSystem system,
                                                       int stationID)
        This method allows the manager to see the current state of a given station on a give system
        seeCurrentStationState in class User
        system - the system that the station is supposed to be
        stationID - the station id
        A string to see the current status
      • displaySystemReport

        public java.lang.String displaySystemReport​(MyVelibSystem system)
        This method allows the manager to see a report for a given system
        displaySystemReport in class User
        system - the system that will be studied
        A string to see the current status