Bicycle |
The (abstract) Bicycle class : It defines a bicycle on the application
BicycleTest |
Testing Bicycle Class
Card |
The (abstract) Card class : it implements the card object
CardTest |
Testing Card Class
ElectricalBicycle |
The ElectricalBicycle class : It implements the electrical bicycle in the application
Manager |
The Manager class: This class implements the manager object
it will have access to all information on all systems in the core/CLI applications
ManagerTest |
Testing Manager Class
MechanicalBicycle |
The MechanicalBicycle class : This class defines what is a mechanical bicycle in the application
ParkingSlot |
The ParkingSlot class: This class defines what is a parking slot and how it will behave in the application
ParkingSlotTest |
Testing ParkingSlot Class
PlusStation |
The PlusStation class : This class defines what is a plus station on the application
SortStationByLeastOccupied |
The SortStationByLeastOccupied class : this class implements an algorithm to sort the stations by the its rate of least occupied
SortStationByLeastOccupiedTest |
Testing SortStationByLeastOccupied Class
SortStationByMostUsed |
The SortStationByMostUsed class : this class implements an algorithm to sort the stations by the most used strategy
SortStationByMostUsedTest |
Testing SortStationByMostUsed Class
StandardStation |
The StandardStation class : This class defines what is a standard station on the application
Station |
The Station class : This class defines what stations are and how they behave
StationTest |
Testing Station Class
Terminal |
The Terminal class : This class defines how terminals are created and how they behave
TerminalTest |
Testing Terminal Class
User |
The User class : This class defines what a user is, what a user has and how he will behave in the application
UserTest |
Testing the user class
Vlibre |
The Vlibre class: This class implements the Vlibre card behaviour
Vmax |
The Vmax class: This class implements the Vmax card behaviour