Class UserTest

  • public class UserTest
    extends java.lang.Object
    Testing the user class
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserTest

        public UserTest()
    • Method Detail

      • testGetName

        public void testGetName()
        Testing the get name
      • testEquals

        public void testEquals()
        Testing the equals method
      • testHashCode

        public void testHashCode()
        Testing the hashCode method
      • addCard

        public void addCard()
        Testing the addCard method
      • addMoney

        public void addMoney()
        Testing the addMoney method
      • removeMoney

        public void removeMoney()
        Testing the removeMoney method
      • addTimeCredit

        public void addTimeCredit()
        Testing the addTimeCredit method
      • removeTimeCredit

        public void removeTimeCredit()
        Testing the removeTimeCredit method
      • rentBicyclePlanning

        public void rentBicyclePlanning()
        Testing rentBicyclePlanning method
      • dropBicyclePlanning

        public void dropBicyclePlanning()
        Testing the dropBicyclePlanning
      • addRenting

        public void addRenting()
        Testing the addRenting method
      • addSpentTimeOnElectricalBicycle

        public void addSpentTimeOnElectricalBicycle()
        Testing the addSpentTimeOnElectricalBicycle method
      • addSpentTimeOnMechanicalBicycle

        public void addSpentTimeOnMechanicalBicycle()
        Testing the addSpentTimeOnMechanicalBicycle method