Class PlusStation

  • public class PlusStation
    extends Station
    The PlusStation class : This class defines what is a plus station on the application
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlusStation

        public PlusStation​(java.awt.Point coordinate,
                           boolean onService,
                           java.util.List<ParkingSlot> parkingSlots,
                           double money,
                           int numberOfDroppings)
        A PlusStation constructor
        coordinate - coordinate that will be used to place a plus station
        onService - a boolean parameter to know if the station will be on service
        parkingSlots - a list of parking slots that will populate the plus station
        money - the initial money that the station will have
        numberOfDroppings - the number of droppings (or locations)
      • PlusStation

        public PlusStation​(java.awt.Point coordinate,
                           boolean onService,
                           java.util.List<ParkingSlot> parkingSlots)
        A (simpler) PlusStation constructor
        coordinate - coordinate that will be used to place a plus station
        onService - a boolean parameter to know if the station will be on service
        parkingSlots - a list of parking slots that will populate the plus station